Top Creative Digital Agency in Lagos Nigeria
Business Registration

Get your business registered in 16 days

Whether you're starting a new business, establishing a Limited Company, or registering an NGO, we are here to guide you through the process.

Let us handle the complexities of Business CAC Registration while you focus on building your dream business. Together, we'll lay the foundation for your success and empower your entrepreneurial journey.

Business Name

Business Name Registration

Your business name is the foundation of your brand identity

LLC Registration

Limited Liability Company Registration

Establishing a Limited Company provides credibility and limited liability protection

IT Registration

Incorporated Trustee (NGO) Registration

If you're passionate about making a difference, registering your, Association, Foundation, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is essential.

Business Registered
Money-Back Guarantee
Happy clients
CAC Registration Process

we create pretty designs that make your brand pop. And Stay in your customer’s Mind


Public Search

Search for existing entities

Reserve a Name

Submit your Preferred Business Name


Business gets approved


Register a Company with Your Name Availability Code


Business gets registered


File Changes to Your Existing Business

Ready to take your brand to the next level?

We offer comprehensive Business CAC Registration services, providing you with the essential legal foundation for your business ventures.

Here are some of our most frequently

asked questions and answers.

Ability to open a Corporate Accounts, Customers/Clients take you more seriously if your Company is registered, Banks only grant business loans to registered businesses, Your Company becomes your brand, and Investors are more comfortable with a registered business.

A Business Name is usually used for Sole Proprietorships (One Man Business), whilst a Limited Liability Company is owned by Shareholders and as the name implies their liability/ dividends are limited to the shares they own in the company. 

Yes, you can open a Corporate Bank Account with your Business Name.

Yes, you can convert your Business Name to a Limited Liability Company. It is to be noted that the process of conversions cost more money and takes a longer time.